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Interior decoration: all the trends of 2023

2023 has seen the birth and affirmation of many trends. The fact of remaining stuck between four walls has changed our relationship to our habitat. House or apartment, our interior has become a real place to live, a space where we want to be able to relax, meet up, work, recharge our batteries, have fun… Trendy furniture, outdoor furniture, decorative trends, colors… Here are all the interior design trends of 2023 deciphered.

Quality, more durable furniture

Our ecological awareness was slowly emerging from its slumber, but the crisis experienced in 2023 seems to have shaken it strongly: we want to consume more intelligently. Preference is given to sustainability, to short circuits, we ensure that the wood comes from eco-managed forests, we try to limit our carbon footprint, we try to reduce our waste production… Among the decoration trends of 2023, scandicraft highlights natural materials such as wood, rattan, wool, linen… and craftsmanship.

2023 trends: healthy home decor 

Opting for such wallpaper, such sideboard, favoring this material… All these choices are not without impact on our well-being. You could even say that pampering your interior is like taking care of yourself and vice versa. Have you ever heard of household pollution? These are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) contained in various cleaning products, wall coverings, furniture, etc. These elements spread in the form of gases or vapors in our interiors and have harmful effects on our health (itchy throat, itchy eyes). Some turn out to be toxic and others carcinogenic, such as formaldehyde or benzene. For our well-being, it is better to turn to natural materials assembled without glue, green household products, wallpaper, extremely trendy in 2023, and paint, solvent-free. So, we breathe, we feel good. 

A greener interior design

The impossibility of going out has exacerbated our need to get closer to the earth, and a little more so among city dwellers cloistered in their apartments, with no garden or balcony. For the latter, all means of inviting nature are good. Cacti, succulents and, halfway between the two bromeliads, are showcased in trendy pots and planters. Some have a few green plants here or there (and thus take advantage of their depolluting powers, when they have them) others do not hesitate to group them together for a wild effect.

Alone or in a bouquet, pampas grass gives volume and movement to the decor. Dried flowers are not dead, enclosed in a herbarium, they color the walls, between posters and posters. Mini-vegetables are grown on a window sill or on the work surface, in suitable pots.

In addition to greening their interior, the lucky ones who have an exterior or a veranda have sought to make the most of it. Pokey balcony, maxi terrace… benefited from a special treatment. According to Homary, sales of outdoor rugs, rattan chairs, lanterns and garden furnitureexploded, and the search for inspiration for the layout of these spaces was numerous.

A soft interior decoration

Plants are not the only ones to testify to this need to get closer to nature. The colors chosen in the interiors confirm this need. The colors of trendy furniture and paintings call for softness and light. We find a lot of beige, brown, green, duck blue, sapphire blue, although pastel tones are still very popular in 2023. Gold, very present, thanks to the return of art deco, adds a hint radiance and sophistication to our interiors.

2023 trends: comfort first

We purify our interior of all frills to focus only on the essential: comfort. This new quest leads us to soft and warm materials, to furniture with rounded shapes. The living room trend in 2023 remains cocooning.

The office set up on a wall or in a dedicated room must be comfortable and functional, especially if you now spend your days there. 

We are looking for natural light, even if it means bringing down the heavy curtains, and we are going back to transparent materials that lighten the decoration and furnishings. 

A cosmopolitan decoration to escape

Even if it wants to be minimalist, interior decoration does not prohibit fantasy and originality. On the contrary, they are the ones who personalize and make each decoration unique. In 2023, the decoration has, it seems, made up for our difficulty in getting around. From now on, it is she who allows us to escape. So, we draw inspiration from cultures around the world to furnish our interior. Tiles, for example, very popular for their ease of maintenance, imitate: cement tiles, azulejos, zellige, marble, concrete, wood… tile trends bring warmth and give our bathrooms, kitchens or even room, tunes from elsewhere.

Published inHome Zone

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