Knowing When and How to Express Emotion Is a Sign of Emotional Intelligence
This idea is simple, but it doesn’t fit easily into the four pillars of secular emotional intelligence. But being emotionally intelligence training means knowing when and how to show how you feel. This takes a lot of self-awareness and control in social situations.
There is a key test. Can we react to each event with the appropriate emotional response?
Do we weep with those who weep? Do we enjoy with those who enjoy? Can we cry for ourselves? Can we celebrate inside ourselves?
These are all important indicators of how emotionally intelligent we are. Moreover, they are markers of our level of connection with our inner selves.
And how will we know when to be “emotional” and when not to be?
The Truth Must Always Be Fitted to Emotions
Emotions are always okay and appropriate when they are in accord with the truth.
This is not to suggest that our feelings will be accepted by others. Many individuals may feel uncomfortable with the portrayal of our feelings.
Emotion may be confusing for some, fascinating for others, and seductive for still others. But when we respond emotionally in accordance with the widely anticipated reality, our feelings will resonate with at least some.
In certain situations, such as business, emotions get in the way, so it is necessary to cultivate emotional self-control. In other cases, such as when a family member has died, we might look numb if we do not respond emotionally.
The amount of instinctive reaction is another important indicator of true emotional intelligence. Is it a put-on that we react spontaneously and without thought? Is it natural or spontaneous?
Of course, we will be emotionally intelligent if our emotions are a direct response to globally known truth rather than our own particular, unsuitable reality.
We would have responded in a mature manner. As we can see, truth is only represented in the relational context of what is generally known.
Emotional Intelligence Is a Relational Concept
The deftness of our emotional reaction in each moment is the true test of our understanding as we connect to ourselves, others, and God.
As a result, emotional intelligence is a relational concept. It requires transactional humour.
It is possible to use it in order to evaluate the performance of a relationship, especially the alignment between two or more participants.
We may have either positive or negative relationships with ourselves, depending on how we handle ourselves.
We either relate well to people or not so well. The same holds true for our interactions with God.
And if our emotions are off, and they are responses that are not well suited to the reality of the moment, we are not connecting, and we are not emotionally intelligent at that time.
In Conclusion
Emotional intelligence is an important factor both at home and in business. When you understand the emotions of others around you, your relationships will flourish. All it takes is some planning and understanding.
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